Airly Reports

We connect the dots

We provide expert and comprehensive reports for the media, science and local institutions. Due to their significant nature, they are often the beginning of important social and institutional changes in the fight for cleaner air.


#SEE WHAT YOU BREATHE is a report in which we have combined data collected by the Airly network with expert knowledge. We have prepared a number of reports, analyses, and interesting interviews on the impact of smog on our health and economy. In addition, we included analyses of the current situation and impact of COVID-19 on air quality and the spread of the virus.

Everything about air

Our diverse and accurate data, collected by over 4,000 sensors in 20 countries, gives interested parties a unique opportunity for comprehensive insight into the sources of phenomena that cause air pollution.

We answer questions

Whether it's a research study, journalistic investigation or an urban strategy for better air, our analysts can help you prepare a dataset that answers your most pressing questions.

Helping to solve problems that matter:

We have created a comprehensive report #BreathePoland with the biggest Polish web portal Onet

We were one of the first to publish a report about the correlation between air pollution and the spread of coronavirus

We help medical universities to study the impact of air pollution on the condition of the human respiratory and cardiovascular systems

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Data controller: Airly sp. z o.o. (Mogilska 43, 31-545 Cracow). Get more info.

Contact us

Airly provides the comprehensive air quality monitoring solution for local governments and businesses. Contact our Team and get access to advanced analytics and insights about air quality in your area.



