Airly for Business
Find solution for your business
We work with over 200 companies from a wide variety of industries. We help businesses with their product development and complementing portfolio products for smarter infrastructure and intelligent building providers. Additionally we help them create CSR & ESG initiatives by growing their position as socially responsible companies.
Our offer
A boost for your image
Companies that seek uncommon CSR/ESG strategies should consider investing in an air quality monitoring network. It is an excellent tool for building an eco-friendly and caring enterprise image.

Added value to your business
Information about air quality can be used to improve the status of the services you provide or add functionality to an existing product. It's always a valuable addition, whether part of a smart city infrastructure or a hotel, spa or gym network.
Comfort for your employees
The comfort and well-being of employees have a significant impact on the quality of their work. An air quality monitoring network connected to air purifiers in the office can protect employees health and make your company an even more desirable workplace.

Smarter advertising
Our business partner approach is on a strictly individual basis and we can work with you to develop a model that fits the particular needs of your business. We have outlined the most common ways to use our air quality monitoring and forecasting system for business. However, our corporate team is available to craft bespoke campaigns that achieve your business goals.
Bespoke campaigns
The comfort and well-being of employees have a significant impact on the quality of their work. An air quality monitoring network connected to air purifiers in the office can protect employees health and make your company an even more desirable workplace.

Enterprises selling to government (e.g., public infrastructure providers or smart cities solution providers) or business (e.g. Air Filtration & HVAC providers).
Real-time promotion of sustainable transport solutions | Bolt, Europe.
Situation: Bolt are rolling-out e-mobility solutions across Europe. As part of their pitch to local authorities, they emphasise the positive sustainability impact of electric scooters compared to diesel or petrol vehicles.
Action enabled by Airly: Using an Airly network at docking stations, Bolt is able to execute marketing campaigns that respond to the real-time air quality. For example, they can issue promotional discounts for electric scooters at times where heavy traffic is causing elevated air pollution.
Improve the effectiveness of air filtration solutions | Air Filter Supply, USA.
Situation: Air Filter Supply is a major distributor of air filtration and HVAC solutions to buildings and facilities across the USA.
Action enabled by Airly: By measuring the real-time outside air quality AFS can improve the intelligence of their solution. In real-time, via a software integration, adjusting the use of natural ventilation and tuning filters in response to the outdoor air quality. This allows AFS to achieve better results of internal air quality, with less filtering - reducing running costs and extending asset lifetimes.
Enterprises looking for a CSR & ESG partner.
Increase sales and bran awareness Air purifrers division | Philips.
Situation: Increasing congestion at major ports is leading to more ships waiting idle for longer outside ports. During this time ships use onboard diesel generators to power their systems, contributing to significant air pollution and greenhouse gases.
Action enabled by Airly: Maersk is piloting theinstallation of offshore and port-based charge stations to deliver shore-to-ship power and reduce the dependence on diesel generators. Maersk will use the Airly network to measure the positive benefit from the trial, and monitor adherence, to build the business case to roll-out worldwide. The Airly network also allows Maersk to demonstrate their actions to local authorities.
Create engaging CSR camapings | Aviva.
Situation: Air Filter Supply is a major distributor of air filtration and HVAC solutions to buildings and facilities across the USA.
Action enabled by Airly: By measuring the real-time outside air quality AFS can improve the intelligence of their solution. In real-time, via a software integration, adjusting the use of natural ventilation and tuning filters in response to the outdoor air quality. This allows AFS to achieve better results of internal air quality, with less filtering - reducing runningcosts and extending asset lifetimes.
Improving the image of your company
Bringing additional value to your business
Building a healthy and eco-friendly workspace
A valuable source of data for your advertising
A chance to advertise on our air quality maps
Flexible partnership, open to creative ideas