Multiserwis – a company that cares about the health and safety of children from its region – #OpolskieOddycha campaign
Project background:
Multiserwis (part of Bilfinger Group) is a company from Krapkowice (Opolskie Voivodeship) providing industrial services. The company declares that sustainable development and social engagement are permanently integrated into its business model. #MULTIsupport for the youngest inhabitants of the region is a key element of our CSR strategy for 2021″. – emphasizes the company. Thinking about the youngest, modern solutions and sustainable development, Airly, together with Multiserwis, has created a unique campaign #OpolskieOddies, for students, teachers, parents and entire communities in the Opole voivodeship.
Campaign Objective:
Community involvement and support for the region’s youngest residents.
What was the #OpolskieOddycha campaign about?
Multiserwis funded 30 Airly air quality sensors with a one-year subscription and 30 air purifiers for local schools. Airly sensors monitor the level of particulate matter (PM) pollution 24 hours a day. Based on the sensor measurements, teachers know when to turn on the air purifier in the classroom, or when to go out with the class to the playground or for a walk.
How was the campaign carried out?
- Activities began with the promotion of the campaign in local media to draw the attention of school directors, teachers, parents and students
- We collected applications from schools interested in the contest through a dedicated website
- We selected 30 winning schools and announced the results of the contest
- We installed 30 Airly sensors in the winning schools (in as many as 18 locations where there were no current air quality measurements before!) and delivered 30 indoor air purifiers to schools and kindergartens
- We placed posters highlighting the dangers of air pollution and information boards in schools. These materials support the educational values of the project and emphasize the involvement of the local company in the fight for clean air for citizens in the region
Results of the collaboration:
- Promotion of Multiserwis company as a “local hero” caring for the residents in the region
- Building a positive image of the company as socially responsible in the region
- Strengthening the relationship and building better relations with the residents of neighboring towns and with the local government
- Promotion of the campaign and the company in the local press and radio
- Educating students on the dangers of air pollution
- Increasing the awareness and knowledge of inhabitants in the context of taking care of health and activities limiting emissions from households
- Additional promotion of the Multiserwis brand as a sponsor of the devices through the company logo on the map and in the Airly Mobile Application
Thanks to the campaign, parents, the local community and the authorities have received necessary information about the quality of the air that students breathe and, in particular, how its pollution patterns vary depending on the time of day.
This information is a convincing argument for local councils to implement measures to improve air quality around schools, whether this is through the introduction of appropriate traffic regulations, banning or restricting car traffic during the time when pupils arrive at school, or through the funding of other projects next to and around schools that will effectively improve air quality.
Check out our other interesting case studies as well: Aviva Breathe Life Campaign
Contact us
Airly provides the comprehensive air quality monitoring solution for local governments and businesses. Contact our Team and get access to advanced analytics and insights about air quality in your area.
